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Habitat: waterways

Waterways includes rivers, streams and reservoirs, all of were be encountered over the course of the expedition. We walked past the Ladybower and Derwent reservoirs on day one, we camped nearby the River Sett on day two, past Torside reservoir on day three and on our final day we walked past 4 different reservoirs, finishing off at Greenfield reservoir. Despite all being freshwater habitats, different species were present in the reservoirs and streams because still water and running water support different birds.

J.Morris and E.Wynne

Grey Heron

Dinosaur like bird with tuft from back of head. Long yellow legs seen standing in shallow water stalking in shallow water
Anas platyrhynchos
Britain’s most common and well known duck. Male has vivid green head and female is dull brown colour. Seen with young on both streams and reservoirs.

Dives for long periods for fish in resevoirs and lakes, large and black sitting very low in water.